Cheyenne Soccer Club

Sponsorship Opportunities
The Cheyenne Soccer Club (CSC) is a non-profit organization striving to provide quality soccer opportunities for minimal cost to our members. CSC is the largest youth sporting association in Wyoming. Each year nearly 2000 men, women, and girls and boys participate in soccer programs offered by CSC. The youth programs include 3 to 18 year olds. These players currently compete in over 1,000 games at the North Park and Cahill Soccer Complexes in the spring and fall seasons. Additionally, several tournaments and leagues with out of town teams are also held in the spring and summer on these fields, involving thousands of visitors.
Through our sponsorship program, you or your company's contribution can help keep costs of participation to a minimum and expand other CSC programs and activities. Registration costs for players are lower than most if not all clubs in the State of Wyoming and State of Colorado due to the generosity of sponsors and the dedication of our volunteers. We are focusing are current sponsorship and fundraising efforts to ensure everyone can afford to play soccer in Cheyenne. Long range plans are to team with other organizations to get an indoor facility in Cheyenne and potentially install lights at one of our complexes.
We currently seek Youth Recreational Team Sponsors, Youth Competitive Program Sponsors, Scholarship Sponsors and Club Sponsors. Each of these sponsorship levels provide advertising and other benefits to the company while helping to offset costs associated with making CSC a great organization for the youth of Cheyenne. We also have other great advertising opportunities for area businesses including at the soccer fields, on our Web site and in our newsletters. Each of these programs is described below. Custom combinations of these different programs are also available.
Those wishing to enroll or learn more about any of these programs should contact Carey Lam at - careylam8772@yahoo.com.
Youth Recreational Team Sponsors
Sponsor a Recreational Team
Each year, CSC attempts to obtain a sponsor for every recreational team in our organization. In a typical season, this requires sponsors for well over 100 youth teams. This money is used to pay for the jerseys of each team, provide referees, pay for equipment, administrative costs, and clinics for player and coaching development, and is also used to keep the participant costs to a minimum. Benefits include:
- Company name/logo on sponsored team jersey
- Team picture (For Fall/Spring Sponsorship only)
- Recognition in at least one newsletter, in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle and on the CSC Web site
Fall/Spring season - $250
Spring only - $125
Club Sponsors
CSC offers great benefits for sponsors that provide $1,000 or more per year to the Club. Benefits for Club Sponsors include:
- Company name/logo on jerseys of up to 4 teams
- Recognition on home page of the Club Web site and on sponsor page
- Team pictures
- Recognition on Sponsor Banner/Flag or Sponsor Display at North Park and Cahill on game days
Adult League Sponsors
Each team that participates in the adult league program is required to have a sponsor. For $350 per year, you can sponsor an adult team and have the name of your organization printed on the back of each shirt as well as advertisement information included in the packet given to the team at the beginning of the year. Name will also be listed on the CSC Website.
Special Event Sponsors
The Cheyenne Soccer Club is also looking for sponsors for our special events held during the year. These include our summer youth 3v3 league with approximately 45 teams participating and our annual Cheyenne Soccer Club Classic Soccer Tournament which hosts close to 100 teams from Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado and South Dakota.