About the Project

Phase 1 -

Indoor Complex, 11.8 acres

  • Fields: 2 Indoor, all-weather turf fields, full size
    • Available or practice, games, and tournaments year round
    • Exploration for inclusion of other sporting elements in progress, including:
    • track & field course, baseball/softball elements, lacrosse, football etc.
  • Amenities:
    • Bathrooms
    • Locker Rooms
    • Office Spaces
    • Equipment Storage
    • Concessions
  • Parking: 200+ additional parking spaces
    • Complex connected to already existing road around
      greater North Cheyenne Park

Proposed Project Elements

Phase 2 -

Outdoor Amenities, 117 acres

  • Fields: total of 12 fields
    • 2 additional full-size, grass fields
    • Improved drainage and lighting for existing fields
  • Amenities
    • Improved entryway & surrounding road for traffic circulation concerns
    • Additional restrooms in various locations of the park
    • Renovated & expanded play area
    • Existing basketball courts renovated for futsal with fencing
    • Enhance hiking & mountain biking trails
  • Parking: total of 862 parking spaces
    • Divided between 5 lots around the park
    • Additional drop off points surrounding the park


you have connections into foundations that would be willing to discuss the project with our leadership team


you have connections into companies that are interested in sponsorship opportunities, including naming rights, charitable giving, etc.


you have connections to individuals that would like to learn more about the project and get involved


you have connections to other community organizations that would like to discuss access to the facility