Cheyenne Soccer Club

Youth Recreational Soccer

The Youth Recreational program is organized to provide a fun soccer experience in a recreational environment. Players play games with other teams in the club and do not travel. Volunteer coaches, under the guidance of the Club's Executive Director of Coaching, provide a learning experience that embraces the team and respect for others.

Age Brackets / Fees 2024/2025

Register by August 4th for full/fall season or (Feb 28th for spring only) to ensure your player is on a team and to receive the Early Bird discount.

After August4th/February 28th a $20 fee will be added, and requests NOT guaranteed. REGISTER YOUR PLAYER. If the age group is on a waitlist, you will not be charged until we find a team!

Determining age group is the child's date of birth PRIOR to August 1st

- A $5 discount for multiple players from the same family.
- U6 and older players will receive an Adidas jersey, shorts, and socks.
- U4 Stingers will receive a T-shirt.
*HS Division is only offered during the Fall.

Financial Assistance

There is help available for those in need of financial assistance. Click Here for more information. Must be received by July 27th for the upcoming full and fall season and Feb 25th for spring only. Complete PRIOR to registering.

Tentative Dates

Recreational games are typically played on Saturdays in the Fall and Spring. The Club may schedule games during the week for rescheduled games due to weather or to complete the season earlier to keep from interfering holiday's special events, etc.

Tentative Dates for FALL 2024

  • Practices MAY Start: Week of August 26th.
  • First Game: September 7th.
  • Last Game: October 26th.
  • Tentative Coaches meeting:  August 19th.

Dates for SPRING 2025

  • Practices MAY Start: Week of March 31st
  • First Game: April 12th.
  • At least two games will be scheduled during the week to ensure 8 games prior to Memorial Day.
  • Last Game: Before Memorial Day weekend.
  • Coaches meeting:  March 26th 7PM North Park Soccer Complex.

Team Assignments

For the FULL season (Fall and Spring combine) players they will remain on the same team for both Fall and Spring. During registration you have an opportunity to add names of coaches and players you would like your player to play with if age appropriate and available. These requests are first come first serve. If no specific instructions? We try to put players from the same geographical area by schools together. The spring season requests maybe restricted by ensuring established teams are filled first. PLEASE NOTE: if you are registering late we need to fill teams by numbers and requests may/may not fulfilled.

Practice Policy

Soccer practices may be held three times per week prior to the start of the season and two times per week during the season. Scrimmages, non-league games and scheduled evening games count as practices.

Coaches are limited to three contacts with players per week. Times and locations of practices will be determined and communicated by each coach.

Refund Policy

Refund policy for U6 and older players is as follows below:

  • $15.00 deducted from registration fee paid for any cancellation, up until the July 31st or February 28th deadline.
  • Fall/Spring (FULL) or Fall only registrations: $45.00 deducted from registration fee paid if requested after July 31st but prior to the first scheduled game of the Fall season.
  • Spring only registration: $45.00 deducted from registration fee paid if requested after February 28th but prior to the first scheduled game of the Spring season.
  • No refunds will be issued after the first game in either season.
  • Full refund if requested for medical reasons and hasn't played a season, then minus the cost of a uniform kit if received and minus $5 cancellation fee.

Refund policy for 4U players is as follows below:

  • $15.00 deducted from registration fee paid for any cancellation, up until the July 31st or February 28th deadline.
  • Fall/Spring or Fall Only registrations: $25.00 deducted from registration fee paid if requested after July 31st.
  • Spring only registration: $25.00 deducted from registration fee paid if requested after February 28th.
  • Full refund if requested for medical reasons minus the cost of the T-Shirt if received and minus $5 cancellation fee.

More questions? Email them to

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